Elevator Mechanic Practice Exam 2024 - Free Elevator Mechanic Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What must be done if you get on top of a dumbwaiter?

Always keep the door open

Never fully get on top. Work only partially on with the mainline disconnect off

The correct choice emphasizes the importance of safety protocol when working on a dumbwaiter. By never fully getting on top and instead working partially while ensuring that the mainline disconnect is off, a mechanic can mitigate the risk of accidents. This approach allows for necessary work to be conducted while maintaining a crucial level of safety; if an issue arises or the equipment unexpectedly moves, the mechanic would still have a way to respond swiftly to avoid injury. Working with the mainline disconnect turned off is essential as it ensures that the dumbwaiter cannot be operated while repairs or inspections are being made. This underscores the necessity of following proper lockout/tagout procedures to ensure the safety of personnel when working on elevation equipment. The focus on partial engagement limits exposure to potential hazards while still allowing essential work to progress. In contrast, keeping the door open offers no additional safety benefits and could create a dangerous situation. Ensuring the car is in motion or turning off the emergency backup does not address the fundamental safety concerns and does not align with best practices when dealing with mechanical systems. Thus, the emphasis on cautious partial engagement while properly disconnecting the mainline is the safest and most prudent approach.

Ensure the car is in motion

Turn off the emergency backup


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